Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Agent Smith – The Matrix trilogy

The suit, sunglasses, monotone voice, lack of human emotion, and not even being human all add up to one of the coolest movie characters of all time, Agent Smith.

Played by Hugo Weaving, Agent Smith is actually an AI program inside the Matrix, a computer simulation that humans live in for what the movie is named after. He shows little emotion, because he is not human, and has a very linear fashion in all of his actions. He does not seem to care, although he has a specific task that he is driven to carry out.

As the main antagonist in The Matrix, Agent Smith’s task is to eliminate Neo (the protagonist), or as he memorably refers to as “Mr. Anderson”. His look in a suit and sunglasses gives him a modern eerie and scary look that creates a monster as great as Freddy Krueger or Michael Myers for the age of the Internet.

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