Monday, April 12, 2010

Walter Sobchak – The Big Lebowski

Walter Sobchak, played by John Goodman, is one of the oddest characters that remind everybody of someone they know. A Vietnam veteran who loves to bowl, Walter Sobchak thinks he knows everything about everything and will not back down.

Whenever Walter is around, he takes things too far and makes a simple situation go completely wrong. At a bowling game he pulls a gun out over the score. When a group of men try to take his money in a parking lot he nearly kills them over a couple bucks in his wallet. When a boy refuses to speak to him about his homework Walter destroys a car with a crowbar just to show how serious he is.

All these horrible actions seem to be part of damage caused by Walter’s involvement in the Vietnam War. In fact, Walter brings up Vietnam whenever he possible can whether it has relevance or not.

Despite his extraordinary character, he can seem very familiar at times. Whether it is his horrible temper, his belief that he is always right, his constant speeches about Vietnam, or even just his strange dress, Walter can easily remind us of somebody we know.

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